What stereo equipment do respected musicians listen to?

With all the debate on this piece of equipment is better than that, it got me to thinking… What setup do well respected musicians have, e.g. amps, speakers, etc.  What does Wynton Marsalis listen to, for example?  Just curious and thought it might be a fun topic. 


Showing 1 response by dmyersmd

Andrea Bocelli listens to Franco Serblin (SF)

Bocelli's letter to Franco

Dearest Mr. Serblin,

I am sitting in front of the speakers and, whilst listening to my album... I felt the need to sit down in front of the computer to write and congratulate you for the quality of these speakers and the pleasure they give me whilst listening. Even my voice seems warmer and more beautiful!! A real home theatre, where the singer is right there, in front of you. ...many congratulations for "a possession for ever"

Andrea Bocelli.