What speakers work well with Arcam Solo 5.1 amp

I do not know anything about stereo equipment. Just that I have the Arcam Solo 5.1 surround sound system, and I  would like to learn what speakers, in the mid price range or used, would work well for it. I would really appreciate any help. Music is my passion first and foremost. I like it crazy loud at times. And so that's about it. The sum total of my knowledge. I dont know about amps, receivers, or tweaking components, woofers or anything else. Is there someone who could point me in the right direction, thank you, Kesha.
Thank you Mike, for all your input. I had no idea just how broad the audio field is. I've just been browsing Stereophile. A great source for researching. Your help has inspired me to learn more. There's an immense and diverse realm I didnt realize existed, and I  greatly appreciate your taking your time for me. My love of music has a big adventure ahead. Who knows where it will take me, but that's the joy of it. Many thanks, Louise.
Louise, Remember, where ever it takes you to enjoy the ride. 

One complete source of information concerning home audio is 'The Complete Guide to High-End Audio' by Robert Harley. It contains more info than many need, however one can find answers to about any topic on audio therein.  A great roadmap for this venture.

Again, thanks for the nice words, Mike
Thanks again Mike, I'll be sure to check that out. Instead of a difficult task, this is turning out to be enjoyable. You are kind and helpful, and I'm sure it branches out into other areas of your life. Being of help to others is one of the greatest things we can do in life. May it always come back to you tenfold, Louise.
Louise, Just checking back in. How is your search going? 

I did have a thought that lead to the question: Does your Arcam have preamp outputs? This would lead to the possibility, if space allows, of adding a different amplifier, which in turn expands the possibilities for speakers to be considered.  

Speakers and amplifiers are equally important for music playback. Speakers (even in headphones) are necessary transducers that convert audio signals into sound waves. Amplifiers are needed to boost phono, mic, instrument and line level signals up to speaker level to drive the speakers here properly.