What speakers for an old Nakamichi receiver

My daughter is into audio appreciation and, just starting, the early stages of audiophilia. She is ready for new speakers after bearing with budget-driven JBLs and old Genesis for several years. The electronic driver is one of the Nakamichi receivers of over a decade or more ago, with the Stasis circuitry somehow licensed from Nelson Pass/Threshold at the time. The power of that receiver is small, I think about 35 watts, but the sound is clean. She has easy access to dealers with B & W speakers and perhaps others, and her budget would be around a list price of $1200. While my own system is an audiophile system, I do not have the chance to listen to the zillions of new-generation speakers and models which are in the market. Any help would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by homedesign

The priorities for the best possible reproduction in a sound system should be speakers first.

Next their placement in the environment, and the accoustic treatment of that environment, followed by source material that is deserving in sonic quality of the efforts made so far. Then obtain the appropriate components that support the speaker choice you made.

Last but not least would be cables suited to the choices made.

Anything less is just confusion and futility. Or a demonstration that it doesn't really matter in the first place. Then how can it matter what you get.

Note: when the telephone was first introduced to the public, the concensus was that you could not tell the difference from a live in person voice. Of course hearing it now would reveal just how laughable that conclusion was.