what speakers do the best "disappearing act"??

what speakers do the best "disappearing act"??
I want speakers that totally envelop you in sound....so much so that it is non-directional, and sound seems to be coming from everywhere in the soundstage...

when I listen to music even with my eyes closed I can tell exactly where my 2 speakers are located and most of the sound eminates directly from them these 2 speakers..so maybe it's time to upgrade..my system is a pair of NHT 3.3, wadia 850 cdp, and odyssey monoblock amps.

Showing 1 response by jinmtvt

hey hey!
i'm newbie so don't take my word as too much...

but my Mirage OM-10 does completly disapear even in my small room ...the technology omnipolar under theese speakers is awsome..they sound really wide even in a 13*20feet room..
and i can't point the speakers at all with the sound :)

i am realy pleased by them ..but again ..i didn't hear a lot of good speakers to be able to compare :p