What speakers are you running with your Pass Labs XA 30.8?

I will be replacing my Devialet with a Pass XA 30.8 very soon.

Those that have this amp, what speakers are you running with it?

2 way? 3 way? 4 way (Vandersteens)?

How sensitive to make they and the amp shine?

Showing 1 response by snopro

Hi flip49er,

I have a Pass Labs 30.8 that I run with Horning Eufrodite Ellipse speakers and the pairing is wonderful, but received Nelson Pass SIT-3 amp and use Frankenstein 300b mono blocks.

So I want to sell the XA-30.8 amp and also have a PS Audio Directstream SR. DAC and Memory Transport for sale if interested PM me. I'll give you a good price for them. Check my feedback they are all in excellent condition.
