What speakers are you running with your Pass Labs XA 30.8?

I will be replacing my Devialet with a Pass XA 30.8 very soon.

Those that have this amp, what speakers are you running with it?

2 way? 3 way? 4 way (Vandersteens)?

How sensitive to make they and the amp shine?

Showing 1 response by kalali

Aren’t we touchy....

Regarding OP’s question, I recently heard the 30.8 paired with larger floor standing Omega speakers, I think they’re considered 1.5 ways, and the system sounded live with incredibly dynamic. I have a feeling this amp will sound real good with any 8 ohm or higher impedance speakers. As an aside, the preamp was MicroZTL MZ2 which is an excellent piece in its own right.