What speakers are these?

I have in-wall speakers in a B&W CWM8 box. I've had them for 20 years, but never installed them. Unfortunately, when I finally needed to install them, I found that the midrange driver was open-circuit. I found the problem but couldn't repair.

I've contacted B&W, but they tell me that these are not CWM8 speakers. Can anyone identify what speakers these might be, and does anyone know where I could get a replacement midrange driver?



Many Thanks!!

Showing 1 response by johnmeyer

Yeah, I didn't see the hole in the main driver until I took the pic. I think it went in and out of the box one too many times after I took it out of storage. The midrange was already shot, but I may have damaged the main surround when I was removing the midrange to work on it.

I'll contact Madisound. Thanks for the link.