What speaker could safely be ordered without hearing it first?

Hi everyone,

I’m in the midst of my speaker search and curious about something.......as noted above. There are some brands I would be interested in based on reputation, reviews, looks etc but may never be able to hear first.

I’m curious what the collective group thinks would be a safe choice having never heard them first. I know there are variables as in size of room, current gear etc. Just want to see what people would suggest. The one I would note based on what I have read is Joseph Audio. I’d also be curious if people would say the same about Borresen.

So it may be a frivolous exercise but I’ll ask the question anyway. Let me know your thoughts.


Showing 1 response by jmeyers

First, let me state that listening to speakers has been a hobby of mine for decades. Moreover, once upon a time, I was a part-owner of a speaker company that failed. 

That said, my criteria for suggesting a speaker manufacturer in my response is that I have heard more than one model (if said company makes multiple models) and every time I  have been delighted/amazed by the overall quality of the sound reproduced. So, here goes — in alphabetical order: Clarisys Audio; Dutch & Dutch; and Rockport Technologies. They are all radically different from each other, and none will disappoint. Unfortunately, none are cheap,  but ut the price to value ratio of Dutch & Dutch are noteworthy.