What speaker cables work well with Nordost Valhall

I know cables are very system specific and everything depends on your other components, but has anyone had any success using particular speaker cables when mated with the Nordost Valhalla interconnects? I recently purchased some Valhalla interconnects and I am blown away, they are amazing cables. I am using Nordost Super Flatline speaker cables and I obviously need to upgrade. That being said, I think the Nordost Valhalla speaker cables are a little out of my price range. Any suggestions? If it helps I am using an integrated tube amp and Alon Lotus Elite speakers. Thanks

Showing 2 responses by eddykaled685

I made a few bucks selling all of my Valhalla cables for the Pure Note Paragons. In my system the Paragons trumped the Valhallas. FWIW.

As the last poster stated, the Valhallas are light in the lower mids. The highs are clear but a little hard, IMO.

The Paragons have better body and foundation. They present music authentically as I can attest to since I attend many concerts.