What speaker cables work well with Nordost Valhall

I know cables are very system specific and everything depends on your other components, but has anyone had any success using particular speaker cables when mated with the Nordost Valhalla interconnects? I recently purchased some Valhalla interconnects and I am blown away, they are amazing cables. I am using Nordost Super Flatline speaker cables and I obviously need to upgrade. That being said, I think the Nordost Valhalla speaker cables are a little out of my price range. Any suggestions? If it helps I am using an integrated tube amp and Alon Lotus Elite speakers. Thanks

Showing 1 response by downunder

I currently have all valhalla I/C's and like you cannot afford valhalla speaker cables.
My harmonic pro-9 speaker cables sound excellent with them, better than my previous transparent ref xl. I am sure you can p[ick up pro-9 quite cheaply on gon, then re-sell it if not to your preference.
How they interface with your speakers is another imnportant issue.