What songs make you cry?

Fess up, all you macho dudes & dudettes. Certain songs and music can turn on your waterworks. Here's some that seldom fail to make me mist-up...

-The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (Peter, Paul & Mary)
-Sounds of Silence (S&G, non-rock version)
-Born to the Breed (Judy Collins)
-Reason to Believe (Tim Hardin)
-Sparrow (Simon & Garfunkle again)
Not a song, but what the heck: the "Yes, Virginia" editorial about Santa Claus

Showing 1 response by dbw1

The 1954 Furtwangeler conducting of Beethoven's 9th (and sometimes other versions of Ode to Joy).

The soundtrack to Braveheart (I know, I should be committed).

Pachelbel's Canon in D.

The Highway Man by Loreena McKennitt.

American Pie (memories, of course).

On the other hand I never cry. Not me!