What solid amp to pair with DiaLogue Premium Preamplifier ?

Hi everyone, any input regarding pairing the PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium Preamplifier with a solid state amp 100-200watts in 8ohm ?
My speakers are bbc design 5/9 are said to sound better with power between 100 to 150/200 watts.
What have you guys tried that worked well, I like my music to be musical with as much detail as possible, but without sounding clinical or thin sounding.

Looking forward for some input.


Showing 2 responses by mzkmxcv

Depends on budget.

If you don’t mind light assembly (no soldering), the Hypex NC400 mono blocks would run you <$1500 USD I believe (more if bought them from a company, one sells them for $2000/pair I think, also bridged mono block pairs (4 monoblocks total) for $3000). There’s almost nothing they can’t power with pristine output.
Not sure I want to go class d. 

No reason to not go to Class D. The only reason old or cheap Class D was/is bad is because the switching frequency wasn’t/isn’t high enough. PS Audio for instance uses an ICE Class D for their M300, ATI also uses Class D.

Look up reviews, the NC400 is vastly superior to basically everything else for the price.

Datasheet: https://www.diyclassd.com/img/upload/doc/ncore/nc400/Documentation/NC400_04xx.pdf#page11