What solid amp to pair with DiaLogue Premium Preamplifier ?

Hi everyone, any input regarding pairing the PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium Preamplifier with a solid state amp 100-200watts in 8ohm ?
My speakers are bbc design 5/9 are said to sound better with power between 100 to 150/200 watts.
What have you guys tried that worked well, I like my music to be musical with as much detail as possible, but without sounding clinical or thin sounding.

Looking forward for some input.


Showing 2 responses by dsper

Hi All,

There has been some amount of comments on the PL Dialogue Premium needing repair. My personal experience:

Mine blew a Solens capacitor within the first six months and Upscale Audio took care of it for free.

Recently, a couple of years later, the left channel went out and I had to pay the freight to get it to California. Upscale repaired it for free and and shipped it back for free. They claimed that they "upgraded a circuit". 

Two repairs in three years bothered me so I checked out other preamps including CJ LS17 - 2, ARC LS25, and an Axiom II passive. In my system, all of these are more musical than the PL. The PL was good if I wanted to hear into a vocal but rather lame if I wanted PRAT.

I ran the PL with both a Coda CS and McCormack DNA - 500 and neither helped with the lack of liveliness.  My speakers are Thiel CS5's.

Things changed for the much better with any of the other preamps. 

Thanks for listening,


I tried Telefunkens, Mullards, Seimans, and the usual list of US tubes. Some Mazdas were the best because they smoothed out the sound.

But no PRAT.

I guess the PL is too analytical for me/my system.

Thanks fro listening.
