What should I do?

Recently, at a brick and mortar audio dealer, I listened to a high-end moving coil cartridge.  It sounded really good, and I was impressed.  The retail for this cartridge was more then I wanted to spend ($4500), but to make a long story short, the dealer offered me a rare deal, ($2500+tax) brand new, so I bought it.  Got it home, and carefully installed it last night.  I listened to it for about 2.5 hours.  It is really good, but I don't think (at this point), that it's that much better then my old cartridge (at least, not yet).
Ok, so this morning I played around with the loading.  Better, but still I'm not happy.  Now, with only about 5 hours on this new Cartridge, I realize that it's not broken in yet.  I'm looking for input as to your thoughts on how I should proceed.
1.  Are cartridges purchased from high-end dealers returnable (I don't want to create any bad feelings with this dealer, since he gave me such a good price)?
2.  I was told 50 hours of break-in time for this Cartridge.  Should I wait the break-in period to make any decisions?
Any thoughts on how you think I should proceed are appreciated! 


Showing 6 responses by louisl

I heard the Mutech not only at my dealer's store, but also in a friends system.  I knew then that it was one of those 'special' cartridges.  However, when I got it home, and installed it, I was much less then impressed.  I should have realized, that with zero hours, it was going to take a little time to wake-up.  Welll it certainly is waking-up, and sounding really very good.  Thanks for your comment!
Latest update.  
I now have 15 hours on my new Mutech Cartridge.  Two important performance increases have occurred.
One, at, or about 6 hours, the cartridge's bass has matured.  When I first installed the Cartridge, the bass was extended deep, but it sounded as if the bass volume had been turned down.  No longer, it is now both extended, and full.  Rich, and detailed at the same time.  
Secondly, at 15 hours, the stage is opening up, and extending way outside the edges of my speakers.  Depth (on recordings that have depth) is also improving.  Image specificity is precise...voices that are sung together, are heard with distinction.  Each voice being defined, and heard in its own separate space.
This is now turning out to be one great Cartridge.  Real improvement over when I first installed it.  With only 15 of the recommended 50 hours of breakin, I'm hoping to hear even more.  
This is really one hell-of-a-good cartridge.  I will update when I get to the 25 hour mark.  Again, thanks to all for your comments! 👍
20 hours now on the cartridge.  This Mutech Hayabusa is already beyond my expectations.  At this point, I just can't imagine how it could get any better!  I will update again after another 10 hours of play time.  
Sorry guys that I haven't responded, but I am trying to put some more hours on the cartridge for break-in.  
To answer everyone's question about this "mystery" Cartridge, it is a Mytech Hyabusa mounted on a VPI Classic 3 (JMW Memorial 10.5 unipivot tone arm) feeding a PASS XP-17 phono preamp, High Fidelity cabling.
I now have a little over 8 hours of play time on the cartridge, and it is really starting to sound very good.
First, I appreciate everyone's input, but I find one comment that is if don't respond, then "he knows where he could put it" a bit condescending, unnecessary, and not helpful.   
Cartridge break-in is a slow process, that takes time, so please understand that is what I am doing.
I will respond again, after I our another 10 hours on the cartridge, to keep everyone updated.  Again, thanks to everyone for your thoughts, and suggestions.  I appreciate it!
You are absolutely correct!!!  I'm such an 'Immediate gratification' kind of guy, that when I installed the cartridge, brand new, cold, out of the box, I wanted it to blow me away....immediately.  Well, that just didn't happen.  I really need to learn to have a little patience.
The Mutech now has 12 hours of play time, and it is really beginning to sing for me.  I've never experienced such a transformation in a product during the break in process, as I am experiencing now with this Mutech.  

i hate installing cartridges.  A lot of time and patience required.  However, in this case, once I have 50 hours on the new Cartridge, and I feel that it actually is broken in, I will put my old Cartridge back, for, as you say, a final comparison.  Good suggestion, thanks!