What should I do?

Recently, at a brick and mortar audio dealer, I listened to a high-end moving coil cartridge.  It sounded really good, and I was impressed.  The retail for this cartridge was more then I wanted to spend ($4500), but to make a long story short, the dealer offered me a rare deal, ($2500+tax) brand new, so I bought it.  Got it home, and carefully installed it last night.  I listened to it for about 2.5 hours.  It is really good, but I don't think (at this point), that it's that much better then my old cartridge (at least, not yet).
Ok, so this morning I played around with the loading.  Better, but still I'm not happy.  Now, with only about 5 hours on this new Cartridge, I realize that it's not broken in yet.  I'm looking for input as to your thoughts on how I should proceed.
1.  Are cartridges purchased from high-end dealers returnable (I don't want to create any bad feelings with this dealer, since he gave me such a good price)?
2.  I was told 50 hours of break-in time for this Cartridge.  Should I wait the break-in period to make any decisions?
Any thoughts on how you think I should proceed are appreciated! 


Showing 3 responses by chakster

 It sounded really good, and I was impressed.  

 Got it home, and carefully installed it last night.  I listened to it for about 2.5 hours.  It is really good, but I don't think (at this point), that it's that much better then my old cartridge (at least, not yet).    

Then why did you buy it ? Hypnosis ? 

Some of the reasons it did work in your room:
-The dealer system was completely different than yours ? 
-You don't have an appropriate tonearm or phono stage ? 

Personally i don't believe in warm up process, if your cartridge is brand new the things getting better in first 50 hrs, but not so much. 

Maybe you just don't like the character of this cartridge in your system, especially if it does not sound better than your old cartridge.

If it's not better than save $2500+ 

Return it, explain your opinion to the dealer, ask for another cartridge (ask for something to match to your tonearm and your phono stage).

Or bring your old cartridge to the dealer and compare them.  

Or just get full refund and forget about it.  
And bring your own old cartridge to the dealer to compare it with new one.

If you're not happy with the sound and can't solve the issue at home what is the reason to pay $2500 for this new toy? 
Nice, don't forget to put your old cartridge back for final comparison to that new one after break-in.

We're always biased by new toys, the trick is to make a fair comparison after all, would be interesting to read.