What sends shivers down your spine when you play it on your system?

“The Ecstasy of Gold” orchestral intro on Metallica’s “S&M” CD. 

Showing 4 responses by edcyn

Debussy's Deux Arabesques performed by pianist Philippe Entremont on a lousy-sounding old Masterworks LP.  The choral movement of Mahler's Third on an I-wish-it-sounded-slightly-better Jascha Horenstein recording I have  on both Nonesuch and Unicorn LPs.  Des Knaben Wunderhorn on Vanguard. Mike Garson's piano solo on Bowie's Aladdin Sane.
Ramones -- I Wanted Everything.  Zeppelin -- Dazed and Confused.  Clapton's guitar solo in Spoonful, the one on Cream's "Wheels of Fire" album.  Judith Nelson's performance of Henry Purcell's "Pursuing Beauty" in Volume 2 of Henry Purcell's Theatre Music on L'Oiseau-Lyre.
I don't know about you guys, but the sheer number of misspellings on this website's posts is pretty shocking.  I mean, owing to the amount of cash it takes to indulge in this hobby, this has to be a pretty educated, highfalutin' crowd.  Then again, maybe it's just how old we all are.  That's the ticket!   Aged fingers coupled with today's computers' miserable keyboard ergonomics (my phone, of course, is considerably worse).  Add a slew of brain-dead spell-check programs and we're on our way!
barts -- I truly like my original Broadway Cast West Side Story, too.  The CD doesn't mention the conductor but I figure it's got to be Lenny.  Compelling score, performed with no end of compassion and energy.  Surprisingly good fidelity on my CD.