What sends shivers down your spine when you play it on your system?

“The Ecstasy of Gold” orchestral intro on Metallica’s “S&M” CD. 

Showing 2 responses by cd318

The Man That Got Away - Judy Garland
To Bobby - Joan Baez
Ben - Marti Webb
Born Free - Matt Monro
Yesterday When I Was Young - Roy Clark
Shine On You Crazy Diamond - Pink Floyd
2nd movement PC2 - Rachmaninoff

Since most of these are about loss (as well as being great performances) I'm not sure what to make of this list but none of them ever bring me down or lower my mood.

It might also seem sacrilegious to some, but I prefer the 5 min edit of Shine.

Maybe I like to think of them as occasionally necessary reminders of the sheer beauty of life. 
Casta Diva - Maria Callas

I don't know what it means (nor want to know), it just sounds other worldly.