what's your thoughts on your next system project?

You've already had some sort of home theater or audio/video system before (complete from scratch). So what are you thinkin'?...
Most people have some sort of idea about what they're next system is going to be, and what they "seriously" plan on doing with their system chioces. You obviously want something "quality". So..what are your ideas for your next system and setup? And what are your priorities, in making it all work?

Showing 1 response by saki70

I learned , the hard way , not to try to make an all-in- one system ! While it can be done...it winds up being much more exspensive and usually overkill on the H/T side ! I have found that movies just don't need that much quality in the audio component selection to be enjoyable !

I have dithched the all-in-one concept and built a very nice music only system for a third of what I had into my all-in-one setup and have much better musical sound !

I am now going back to a H/T receiver and some much less exspensive wall mounted front speakers . I will gain a big WAF , come close to the same sound quality for H/T , save a bunch of money and have a H/T system that is much easier to operate for others ! Total exspenditure for both systems should wind up at about half of the-all-in system that they are replacing !