What's your profession? Age?

Just thought after the "how much is your system worth" post that it would be nice to see what all these people do to get $80K systems, and perhaps how long it takes. I'm a 29-year old economist for the gov., just completeed my Ph.D. last month, and my system is at about $10K. Just a pup hoping to keep upgrading...
I'm 29. I'm a Logistics Facilitator for a large candle company. My 2 channel system is a little over $8k.
53 and a regional manager of human resources for a large bank. In moments of weakness, I admit to being a recovering attorney who has wandered through a range of management assignments in banking. Until a few years ago, I was proud to say my investment in software outpaced the investment in my audio system. Today that’s no longer the case, but with 4,000+ LPs I’m not worrying about the ratio, just enjoying the results.
I'm a 39 year old residential real estate broker. I have a 15K HT system (at retail). I got into HT by chance recently and love it, when really just wanting a McIntosh preamp with a tuner, the type of system my parents wouldn't buy me in high school. May upgrade the preamp in the future, but very content. Go with your ears, not the pricetag. I'm not sure a few of my less audiophile enlightened friends even hear the difference. But I have a little music in my background.
53 y/o RN Case Mngr for Head & Neck Surgery Clinic, within DOD. Wife not so tolerant but am working with her...at her pace. (Loyd Walker has some Great suggestions on the subject of Spousal acceptance/appreciation of audiophile hobby). Daughter is ga ga over the whole thing....biggest supporter. 7.1 a/v system with tweeks = 35k.

22 years young. Undergraduate Aerospace Engineering student attending U. of IL. at Urbana-Champaign (I hate North Carolina).

No WAF to worry about for me :) I've owned my trusty McIntosh MC7300 power amp for over a decade and probably has over 10,000 hours on it. Do any of the high-end audio companies take interns?