what's your latest music "score"

today I really scored while combing thru the local used CD shop in my hometown, being a college town the used selection is massive & constantly growing with lots of new interesting material everyday. tony rice & john carlini, "river suite for two guitars" & john prine, "the missing years" both $5.99/ea mint condition & resonating throughout the house as I type.

what have you folks scored lately that really made you & your rig happy??? (music or ???)

Showing 3 responses by timrhu

Bjork's "Homogenic" and "Post," together for less than $10. Love them both and will now look for more from this odd creature. Also The Bad Plus "These Are the Vistas." Even though I'm not a big jazz fan this music gets me.
Hey Dawgfish, have you listened to Wasserman's "Dua?"
Albertporter, "Post" is an one of those that starts strong and plays all the way through while "homogenic" takes a little more effort. If I might ask Albert, which of Bjorks other pieces would you recommend? Thanks.
Thanks for response. I'll check it out for sure along with a few selections from the Sugarcubes.