What’s your latest high-end audio purchase?

What’s your latest high-end audio purchase?  It can be cables, tweaks, components etc.  Also, please share why you purchased, what it replaced, and any additional tips and insights regarding your purchase.  

I hoping for this to be enjoyable and educational, so please be civil of other’s opinions and choices.


Just purchased custom build ATX based server/streamer with Euphony Stylus music player installed. Build will be basis for experimentation with various JCAT,  Pink Faun expansion cards (network, I2S, AES/EBU, USB) and various LPS solutions.

Trinnov Amethyst.  I will be several months before I get to try it.  Music room and house under construction.

Used B&W 800D3, McIntosh MC611 mono-amps, & McIntosh C12000ST/C12000C preamp. Working on a suitable Cables/Interconnects, Streamer (since I have a ref DAC with the preamp I am not sure which Streamer to purchase, don't want to duplicate a similar DAC with a great  streaming).  Also considering the HIFI Rose 150b. Also considering McIntosh MCD 12000 SACD/CD player.

High end is a relative term.  I cannot relate to those who spend $30K or more on an audio or A/V system.   So for me with my modest budget and a/v system costing less than $5k including TV and cabinet it was an Onkyo 6050 receiver at Costco for less than $500.