What s your latest buy? Happy with it?

Curious what the latest thing is that you added to your system? Did you buy new or used? How happy are you with the purchase? Did it meet your expectations?

(For me, it was a PS Audio PowerPlant for CD and Pre, used, very happy and exceeded expectations cause it made the system improve more than I thought possible.)

Showing 1 response by khawk2

I have recently become addicted to tube rolling with my computer room system (conrad johnson cav-50 integrated). Since tube rolling is out of the question with Audio Research CL-120 monoblocks(16, count em, 16 6550s) in the main system I have transformed the cj into 4 distinctly different sounds. Yes, I have signed myself into the tube asylum. With 6 systems in the house one of which is video dedicated I feel it is where I really belong. I seldom post here; but I do follow your forums.