What's Your Favorite Party Music?

What do you put on when you wanna get people moving? I'm strictly talking high db here. I've worn out some of my old favs and am looking for ammunition for the next big P. Need suggestions to audition.

I'll start out with a few of my old faithfuls. 1) "Showdown" (1985): Albert Collins, Robert Cray and Johnny Copeland take turns rifing on the guitar. 2) "Cold Snap" (1986): Albert Collins does the same thing by himself. 3) "Seconds of Pleasure" (1980) by Rockpile, semi obscure effort with Dave Edmunds and Nick Lowe.4) "In Session" (1999): Albert King w/ Stevie Ray Vaughan, what can you say about those two? 5)"American Music" (1980 rereleased 1997) by The Blasters; really obscure swinging rock party music.

Showing 1 response by sean

I typically end up playing DJ at the parties that one of my buddies throws. He's got a great place for big parties in an un-incorporated area i.e. NO police or neighbor problems. He also sings ( we think that's what he's trying to do ) in a band, so we've got a tri-amped PA system to play with for the music. He has everything from HUGE bonfires, a pool, volleyball, horseshoes, riding lawn mower races through a "slalom course" ( !!! ), etc... Needless to say, we always end up with kegs up the wazoo and the required "porta-potties" for bashes this big.

As to the music, it ranges from authentic 1970's disco ( on 8 track !!! ) like Brick House, Flashlight, Love RollerCoaster, Heart of Glass, Dancing Queen, etc... to country and bluegrass ala "the man in Black" ( J. Cash ), Hank Jr, whatever he's got laying around, pretty wide selection) to punk like The Exploited, 4Skins, Peter & the Test Tube Babies, Suicidal Tendencies, etc, to metal like Venom, Celtic Frost, Slayer to hard rock like Sabbath, UFO, Status Quo, Deep Purple with various amounts of alternative ( kept to a minimum but might hear Smashing Pumkins, etc.. ), some blues like Muddy Waters and some "Cab Driver" out of New Orleans ( can't remember his name right now but he's GREAT ), some Jazz via Lenny White or Mahavishnu, etc.. various industrial stuff like Einsturzende Neubaten ( which means "collapsing new buildings ), The Damage Manual and gothic i.e. The Cure, Bauhaus, some "space rock" ala the mighty Hawkwind and some good old fashioned Celtic rock courtesy of the Pogues and Skyclad thrown in for good measure.

As you can see, you never know what will be played or in what sequence, so it makes it all the more interesting. We've had people waltzing, pogo-ing, square dancing, shaking their "booties", moshing in a pit, etc... at the same party within minutes of each other. It can be GREAT fun watching how much of an idiot someone can make of themselves in such a short period of time : )

There is only ONE band that is guaranteed to be played though. This tradition has come to be known as "Mentors at Midnight". If you've ever heard the Mentors, you'll know why a bunch of drunken derelicts at a "knock down, drag out" type of party would enjoy hearing them and singing along. While the Mac Lads are a close second, nothing beats joining in with El Duece' to sing "The Four F Club".

Thanks for reminding me of what a good time i've had at these parties. I'm long overdue to get out of the house and "rock and roll". I can't wait for summer to come now : ) Sean