What's your favorite $5-7000 turntable?

Used is ok. I have a Schröder arm that I can either sell or use with the table. Has to be on a wall shelf so no idlers (I already have one waiting for a bigger house!).


Showing 9 responses by dhcod

Probably the Well Tempered Versalex

Interesting because I have much love for the WT tables. I was using a Simplex on 2 occasions as temp tables while something was being repaired and I always was amazed a how I could probably live with one. 

I've been looking at an Artemis as a possibility but they are hard to find.

Someone I know suggested a Feickert Woodpecker. Anyone with experience with one?

Sota Nova Vacuum by a country mile.

Sadly vacuum tables are out because of space limitations. Nowhere to put the air supply. If I had enough room I would just build/buy a massive stand and an idler. That will have to wait for the next house.

SL1200G is an interesting suggestion. Have you compared it to a expensive belt drive?

Lots of interesting suggestions but 4 were Kuzma R. I think you have your answer.

Believe me, I would have bought one already if it didn't weigh 100lbs! I don't have a  strong enough wall shelf for that.

I am leaning in the Woodpecker direction. Found one locally at a good price. Looking at it this weekend. Also trying to figure out how to strengthen the wall shelf to hold the Stabi R


Dear @dhcod :  Till this moment no one of the mentioned TTs outperforms the  TT/tonearm combination in the RP_10 but the other way around and if you want you can use it along the Basis reflex clamp.

You've had experience with the Kuzma Stabi R and the Feickert tables and you're saying the Rega P10 is better? Just trying to make sure that's what you're suggesting.

Interesting. Thank you for that information. I have a friend of a friend who has one. I'll go listen!