What's your experience with snooty HiFi salesmen?

I began my Hifi journey in 1976 at a shop in Birmingham MI called Audio Dimensions. He was a Magnapan and ARC dealer who was kind to a 15 year old kid who bought a set of MG 1s with paper route money. The ARC amps he carried were about $4K back then- a LOT of money in 1976. In the beginning I drove my MG 1s with an old Fisher Studio Standard integrated amp. Since those lovely innocent days I have encountered some real buttholes. They act like they are doing me a favor as they quiz me about what gear I have and if I'm listening to "approved" recordings. Needless to say I don't buy from those guys. Several wives and businesses later I'm back into the hobby with a much vengeance as a 61 year old  can muster given only so many free hours in a day and only so much cash to apply due to my other vices: Classic cars and salt water fishing. 

Have you ever encountered a really good or really bad dealer (or employee) that changed your buying actions?

Darko posted a video on this topic which I found really enjoyable. Many of you have already seen it but for those (like me) who discovered it much later here's the link: 


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Back in the early 2000s, I was an IT contractor for BellSouth.  A group of us (all contractors) would often go to lunch together and sometimes visit various "interesting" stores while out and about.  One day, we went by an audio boutique North of Atlanta, up I-85.  About four of us went in and we were looking around.  One of the other contractors was looking for a set of speakers for his setup and really liked the look of the Thiels on display.  Only problem was, none of the salespeople would even bother talking to any of us.  Between the four of us, there was probably close to $2,000,000 per annum combined income, but we couldn't get any assistance to demo a pair of speakers.

That store no longer exists.  No wonder.