What's your definition of an audiophile?

Our love of audio is really basic biology with the brains dopamine reward system. The more we get pleasure with something the more we seek it out for the brains dopamineric response. Better sounding music equal more reward. MUSIC is our high! I tried to be a little eccentric from a science perspective. Alan Parsons cynically said "Audiophiles don’t use their equipment to listen to music. Audiophiles use your music to listen to their equipment”. Let me hear your definition


Showing 1 response by aubreybobb

An audiophile is one who obsesses over every tiny little sonic and technical detail for untold hours, weeks, years, in order to hear for a minute every once in a while music that sweeps him away.

Totally agree MC.  

JV has some interesting thoughts on this in a recent Abs Sound.   The one thing in common among all the 'audiophiles' I know, is that none fit a basic definition of 'sane'.  I know I am at least 15 standard deviations away from normal on that curve.  OCD pure and simple!  Happy tinkering/listening guys.