What's your DAC's sweet spot for sampling rates?

Listening to a lot of random music on Qobuz I notice my now aging Mytek Brooklyn performs best with 96kHz /24 upsampled via Roon to 192 kHz/32.

What DAC are you using and what is the sweet spot you've found? And how old is it?


Showing 1 response by akg_ca

BRYSTON BDA-2 circa 2015.

For me, downloaded and purchased native 192/32 files from HDtracks and PROSTUDIOMASTERS perform still a notch above 192/32 tunes upsampled when streamed from any lower rez. Depending on the (re)mastering of the tune, even 96/24 rez recordings can be very pleasing.

The BRYSTON dac is in the process of being upgraded and traded in on a new MOON 280D MIND2 (by SIMAUDIO) this coming week. .