What's wrong with Velodyne?

I have two Velodyne subs. (HGS-12 and older one) and both have worked great, sound great, etc.

However, my experience with dealers is that they think very lowly of Velodyne and politely recommend staying away from them. One dealer used to carry them and dropped them, another well-established dealer said he though many other brands (some he didn't carry) would be better.

Is something going on here that I am missing? I don't think it's just dealers trying to sell products they carry.

Showing 2 responses by jp1208

Nothing wrong with the Velodyne DD series at all but the DD15 was not in the same league as the JL Audio F113 from what I heard as well as the dealer. DD18 is a different story however. Can fill a big room but the F113 seemed to be more musical to me. The JL's can really hide themselves. I have never found a ported sub able to hide very well either so these were not for me. I ended up with two F113's but could have easily went with two DD18's.
Maddadtexas, back on 3-24-08 you started a thread "subwoofer selection help????" and named the JL Audio F113 as one of the subs you were possibly looking to buy. The next day you ordered the SVS online. I don't know why you would have named the JL Audio F113 as one of the subswoofers you were interested in since you had owned it already along with the DD15. The JL Audio is not easy to forget once it is in your system.