What's wrong with this system?

I have had my current and first real system for about a year. The problem is that a lot of music (especially classical) sounds blah and uninvolving, and I don't think I'm hearing nearly enough details as I should. Here are the components:

-Cambridge Audio D300SE CD player
-NAD C320BEE integrated amp
-Monitor Audio Silver S6 speakers
-Audioquest Diamondback interconnects between the CD player and the amp
-Van Den Hul 'The Clearwater' speaker cable (two 8' runs)

I should mention that my listening area is about 15' x 15' with an 8' ceiling. I would like to 'fix' the system soon, and could spend about $1500 (but wouldn't complain if I didn't have to spend that much, of course!). On a side note, I have been told that tubes would not work with my speakers because the combination would be too warm. Is this true?

Thank you very much for any suggestions you can give me-

Showing 1 response by philjolet

I suggest dedicated lines first and then see what you have, wait at least a month before you change anything after installing the new lines.

A tube amp can be very neutral. My Audio Note Soro is the most neutral amp I have ever owned and it is superb. I recommend them to everyone who has an interest in tubes. It has an excellent phono section to boot.

If you do not buy tubes I would keep the NAD and change something else as I have read way too many raves about that amp to get rid of it...