What’s wrong with Diana Krall?

Just wondering if anybody else saw Diana Krall on tour this past summer. I had been a very big fan and had previously seen her live years ago in San Francisco and Tampa/St. Pete. My recollection was that she was amazing in concert...she played flawlessly, she was engaging, and her ensemble was very tight. However, I took my wife to see her this past June in Memphis...man what a disappointment. First, they were 20 minutes late hitting the stage. Diana seemed like she was under some chemical influence...she mumbled her requisite bon mots to no one in particular, forgot lyrics to some songs (!), and basically took most of the night off, letting her bandmates do an extended jam session with lengthy solos on every song! Looking at customer reviews from her performances at other venues, this had apparently been going on for quite some time. Her whole set, including a halfhearted encore, was only about an hour. God, I hope she is ok and pulls herself together...what a terrible waste if she can’t.

Showing 8 responses by schubert

She was on PBS this weekend on an hour -long duo show with Tony Bennett .Even in 90's he still has a lot to give , she had nothing to give .
Her voice on PBS is her REAL voice , she simply is a joke as a singer.Her CD's are doctored to the nth degree and that is not her real voice .
n80, Few classical music lovers would think jazz bad taste , many are jazz fans themselves .Most I know think of rock as bad to horrible taste . They don't hate people who love rock, they pity them . It's pitiful to watch a half dozen
guys well into their 60's argue about which Metal Band was the greatest as I did at audio society meeting recently .
There are always exceptions , forces of nature that defy the general , such as Van Morrison , Johnny Cash , Ray Charles ,etc . .