What's wrong with a DVD player as a transport?

Just wondering if there is some technical reason a dvd player won't perform as well as a cd player? Also why would a changer not perform as well as a single disc player? Please answer with technical reasons. Thank You

Showing 2 responses by avguygeorge

I would guess most of the 10k and above, universal players probably ain't to bad as cd players;and I've read some of the moded uni's--Den.3910/5910-- ain't chopped liver,either.I would say the quality of the parts and the implementation of the circuitry come into play.
I have owned the Pioneer '09 and the Sony 7700. I have the Audiomeca Enkainthus as my dac. I tried both of these as transports,only,against my Theta Data3. The main difference is in the low end of the music.It is noticable;it just ain't there--no matter what the rags say.