What's up with Harmon Kardon receiver line?

Let's face it, as big of a corporation as Harmon International is, shouldn't Harmon Kardon be pushing AV receivers a little harder?!
I personally have thought highly of the Harmon sound mostly over years. In fact, I think their receiver line has offered otherwise excellent performance for the money - if making high current, very clean sounding pieces throughout the line!
Actually, of all the mass-marketed AV receivers I've dealt with over the years, I feel the Harmon-sound has been at the top of the heap sonically, dollar per dollar, over the years - especially at the lower price points.
But let's be honest, Denon, Yamaha, Onkyo (especially as of late), and Marantz have always out shined Harmon Kardon in marketing their receiver products - even being more "up to date" on their features and such. SO WHAT GIVES?!!!
I noticed Harmon basically offers some entry level pieces across the board with the latest features and tech (minus the superb Audyssey - boooooooooo!), and no higher end upgraded pieces.
Anyone else's thoughts on Harmon Kardon and their place in the AV receiver world?

Showing 1 response by rbaker

I agree with the feeling that HK is not aggresive in their
marketing.I am not sure why--I have owned many amps/preamps
etc through the years-I currently have a home theater setup
with merlins-tsm/b&w/velodyne--and a HK avr7200--I tried
a yamaha reciever prior and was somewhat disappointed in the sound. IMHO-the HK has superior sound-I have read many
comments about the problems some have had with HK-I have had none--the 7200 gets very hot--I use a cooling fan-my
daughter uses a avr-85-this unit must be 10 years old--never had a problem and it has that great-warm-sound.