What's up with Harmon Kardon receiver line?

Let's face it, as big of a corporation as Harmon International is, shouldn't Harmon Kardon be pushing AV receivers a little harder?!
I personally have thought highly of the Harmon sound mostly over years. In fact, I think their receiver line has offered otherwise excellent performance for the money - if making high current, very clean sounding pieces throughout the line!
Actually, of all the mass-marketed AV receivers I've dealt with over the years, I feel the Harmon-sound has been at the top of the heap sonically, dollar per dollar, over the years - especially at the lower price points.
But let's be honest, Denon, Yamaha, Onkyo (especially as of late), and Marantz have always out shined Harmon Kardon in marketing their receiver products - even being more "up to date" on their features and such. SO WHAT GIVES?!!!
I noticed Harmon basically offers some entry level pieces across the board with the latest features and tech (minus the superb Audyssey - boooooooooo!), and no higher end upgraded pieces.
Anyone else's thoughts on Harmon Kardon and their place in the AV receiver world?

Showing 4 responses by iplaynaked

Sounds like some slippery politicking to me, er something...
OK. Here's what we do. We take over Europe, then it becomes our continent. Then we can have the 990 for ourselves! mmmmmmuaaahahahaha...muuuuaahaahahahahahaha!!!
"I think those who go for HK a/v equipment are attracted to the unique appearance and control layout, some but fewer to the distinctive sound" (Mapman)

Ok, interesting assumptions. I'm curious though. What then might you think makes Denon, Yamaha, and Onkyo MUCH MORE appealing to customers?! Are they so attractive and well layed out, with such superior sound, that buyers are simply more attracted to those products - and thus have higher sales?
I personally think it all comes down to marketing. Which is a huge reason Bose does as well as it does. Basically, everyone knows about them!
there's gotta be many many times the number ads, articles, reviews, and more press on the other competing products to the HK receivers! I personally think that right there will sell.
So, again, why do you think HK doesn't push their products more? Yes they're in Best Buy. And yes, they're in Fry's on the West Coast. But I still think they'd do better with a stronger marketing and advertising campaign. Besides all of that, I think they've made some excellent, if a little behind in features/tech, products - not to mention they don't push flagship receivers as of late, really
Yeah, fundamentally, I find no other receivers at those price points that can really beat the HK sonically, IMO! I think Denon is next closest in the lower priced receivers, all things considered - as well balanced, good sounding, higher current receivers go. And, of course, Denon offers the superb Audyssey - which I wish HK did.
Although I don't like HK's cheesy volume control knobs on the units. Besides that and the lack of Auydyssey, I like the HK's, myself...
Bose DEFINITELY spends the money on marketing! When you're in Woman's Day magazine and Better Homes and Gardens magazine, and your an audio equip manufacturer, you know your spending big bucks on advertising!