What's up with AudiogoN?

AudiogoN is one of my favorite web sites. I have been a moderately active buyer and seller, and have learned a great deal from the forums. Recently, it has become "clunky". Slow or no downloading. Click on an item and get a blank page. I'm sure others must be having this problem.

Is someone from AudiogoN listening?

No problems here in Chrome or Edge.

If you're running an IE version below 11, update it. Microsoft doesn't support anything below 11 anyway. If you're running IE11, make sure it's not in Compatibility View or Enterprise Mode (Tools menu). I've seen problems with those on certain sites.
It’s fine on Firefox, lately I’ve been here almost every day. Malwarebytes might not cure your particular issues but it is the real deal.
What about other websites?
Culprit found. I use current Safari version. Have Firefox as well. Problem was Kaspersky Internet Security which I use only for an occasional scan. It's part of start-up and sometimes I forget to turn it off.