What's up with ads for $70,000 speakers selling

for $5,500? Martin Coltrane for $5,500, Wilson Max ll for $6,500 two days ago. The sellers are from Europe with zero feedback. This is becoming the norm and I am disappointed with this trend of dishonest sellers permeating this site.

Showing 1 response by hansonaudio

One of the frustrating things that I keep running into is the 0 feedback "bot" buyers. I'll look at my account and a "Bot" or potentially fake buyer asks me "i reel want u spkr, email me a suchandsuch@iwillspamyouremail.com" It's really annoying. I usually have 10 things up and find that the "Bot" will attack all my items and I have to go through each one to verify if it's a real person. I miss the old audiogoN so much.