I would recommend Blu-Tak as well if you are using speaker stands. Works like glue but does not leave any marks. Also since this is not really damping material, there should be no smearing of the Mid and Bass definition. And spikes are probably good for the stands...
What's under your bookshelf speakers?
I recently picked up a pair of ProAc Tablette Reference 8 Signatures in bird's eye maple for my office system. I would like to protect the finish on the bottom, but also preserve/enhance the sonics. At the same time, seeing as how this is in my office, I would like to keep things visually discrete. Currently, I have a small mouse pad underneath each one, and in truth, this seems like it might be a viable option. However, I haven't tried them with another product underneath them or with nothing underneath (don't want to damage the finish), so I am not sure what sonic effects the mouse pads are having. The system sounds pretty good as is, though.
Thanks, Tom.
Thanks, Tom.