what's the real story on china-hifi-audio? legit online shop or not?

I see alot of seemingly good legit reviews from people who purchase from china-hifi-audio

they put out a press release in December indicating that they carry Line Magnetic
Line Magnetic suggests on their site that only the listed authorized dealers carry their stuff, while I'm getting a wink wink feeling to that, I also know a very reputable dealer that carries Line magnetic product that he gets directly from them,  who is not listed on their site
my guess at this time is that its grey market stuff, real product sans packaging warranty and support
who knows the real story here?


Showing 1 response by baranyi

If you are referring to Cattylink I contacted them a couple of years ago about Line magnetic for the USA. I received a series of incredibly nasty emails from them for  no apparent reason. Imagine if you have a service issue! Shuddering at the thought.  This is definitely a public Service announcement!