what's the point?

According to this, all amps that are played below clipping sound the same (indiscernible). So what benefit does it serve to purchase an expensive amplifier that may use more expensive capacitors or other parts?
Oh, and what pricepoint does the law of diminishing returns kick in for a class a/b amp/integrated rated at say 150 watts per Channel  @ 8 ohms capable of increasing power at 4 ohms and still being stable?  Thanks.
too bad OP is deluded. don’t we wish it was so.if a cheap amp is all one needs think of all the money left to buy all the other components that sound the same. except the speakers of course. 
Ok, If you've completed the first part. 
"Dropping the Crown amp". Preferably off of a very tall cliff. And of course, "Into an abyss from where it may never return".
 Your halfway there!

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