What's the oddest thing in your music collection?

For me, it's a CD titled "Kashmir: The Symphonic Led Zeppelin".

Yes, it's Led Zeppelin songs played by The London Philharmonic Orchestra.

It's actually quite interesting, to me anyways. For a review and sampling the music, see:

So, what's the oddballs in your collections?



Showing 3 responses by dekay

I have an "educational" recording LP of "jump rope rhymes" recorded in NYC in the 1950’s.

Never found a reference to it on the WWW (aside from my posting about it).




Unfortunately no.

Can’t even access the LP now as it’s buried behind gobs of other stuff.

Looked for other like recordings but struck out.

Once thought of contacting Johnathan Demme to see if he would be interested in such a recording project, but never got around to doing so and as time flies so did he.

Maybe Ry Cooder would be up for it (we are all getting so old and I can’t stand Ken Burns)?

Some other odd ones I have are a half dozen LP’s of "Official Figure Skating Music" and a Tito Puente "advertising/tourism" compilation LP.




Not it, but I’m placing an order for it - thanks.

Don’t know why I like listening to this stuff as I shied away from it as a kid (1 older sister and 4 female first cousins who lived a few houses away).

I also have a small collection of mono recordings of tribal music (mainly New Zealand) which were made on portable Nagra tape recorders per the album notes.

Great recordings aside the music just mezmorizes me.

Good to hear that about Demme.

