What's the limit for cart upgrade/VPI Scout?

Been looking at archived threads, and don't see this particular question, so here goes- what's the limit of how good a cartridge you can put on the VPI Scout? Currently using a Lyra Dorian, which sounds great, but I can't help wondering what would happen if say, a Titan i or other high-end cart were to be used? Anyone tried it? Silly question, I know, but is one better off investing in more in the way of a table, or in a cartridge? Sorry, had to ask. Thanks, Dan
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Showing 1 response by jeff1225

I'm getting a Gingko Cloud 11 today, drop me an e-mail if you're in Seattle and want to check it out. I'm curious what you think about your PS Audio GCPH. I'm using the MM phono pre-amp in my MAC-6900, I wonder if the GCPH would be my next upgrade.

Thanks, Jeff