What's the latest word on the Emotiva UMC-1?

I just bought the Oppo 83 blu-ray player, and now see the Emotiva website says the UMC-1 processor is in initial shipping mode. At only $700, is this processor really of great quality and a bargain compared to the likes of more expensive units from Onkyo, Integra, Marantz, Rotel, etc? I'm looking to spend under $3,000. For strictly home theater use, would you go for the UMC-1 or what other product?
they've said only 2 units have been returned, so don't know where you're getting your information from. I've been ejoying mine for the past couple of weeks.
I think it is way too early to say one way or another.... Are there any official reviews out yet???
The latest word? bug, bug, bugssssssssssss

That what I have read from used-to-be-happy-to-be-on-the-preorder-list buyer. Most of them are returning their unit.

That's what sometimes happen when ones buy from a list of written specs.
Is it a big deal though hat the UMC-1 is not balanced??? Is is better to wait for the XMC1???
Emotiva are state side based...Tennessee. Built offshore for savings but under strict supervision/guidance. They do repairs state side and/or replace the unit. I'm waiting for a full blown review or two concerning the umc1 and the xmc1 which is, don't quote me. supposed to offer balanced outs/ins and a hopped up phono section. Nonetheless, I'm not put off by the price at all. A friend of mine has their xpa2 and xpa3 amps. They are effortless in operation. Can't imagine wanting or needing more juice than these things put out. The amps offer balanced inputs and are built like tanks. And yes, they sound very good...far better than their price would suggest.
Any 2 channels guys happy with their performance of their preamp but want to run this bad boy thru a imput for HT only??
Spoke to Lonnie at Emotiva. He said they are working on final software tweaks and it should be out soon. I will hear it next month and I am looking forward to it. As far as Japanese goes. Emotiva is an OEM to some really high end components for many good companies. They are US based and designed in the US. The labor to piece together is in China. I would call them a hybrid company and for the dollar they are really tough to compete with.

Jury is out on the internal bass management. I believe Audyssey is a bit more thorough. I hope it is good enough to facilitate room correction for many subs.
I am on the pre order list for this unit, but had no idea when it would become available. I've owned other Emotiva products, and really like them. I have their CD player and it ist great. However, I got tired of waiting and not knowing the status, so I just purchased a used Integra DTC-9.8 processor. It offers all of the same options with the exception of the Dolbly Volume.

So if you have time to wait, I would recommend Emotiva products. They currently have a demo video on the UMC-1 on their site. Its pretty cool.
01-20-10: Ghstudio
Wrote: "user reviews are in the emotiva processors/preamps section of the forums on their site."

If there's a negative review, will emotiva leave it there?
I would be surprised!

Even if it might be fun to read, I don't give much credibily to this emotiva's fans forum.
user reviews are in the emotiva processors/preamps section of the forums on their site.
Please give us an update on the performance of the UMC-1 once anyone gets it setup.
The UMC-1 is the best deal in audio, period. Don't let the low price fool you, this is a very goos AV pre-pro. Plus, Emotiva gives you 30 days to evaluate, your only risk is the shipping cost, about $25...

I am on the pre-order list for the UMC-1. I have an audyssey multiEQ stand alone box, so I don't need any room Eq in the processor.....and even thought the UMC-1 has room equalization, I'm hoping I can bypass it because the price is terrific. Dolby Volume plus my audyssey unit should be a great combination.

Having said that, I think that the jury is out on room EQ on the UMC-1...no one knows. Audyssey in the Onkyo/Integra/Denon/Marantz/.... is pretty proven and in most cases it significantly improves the sound. The worse your room is acoustically, the more Audyssey helps. Will the UMC-1 do as well.....who knows?

As far as repairs and support, I wouldn't count on any company...all have horror stories. This type of equipment either works or it doesn't...and you'll know within 7 days. I wouldn't make any decision based on my estimate of support/repairs/locality.

You won't go wrong with an Onkyo or Integra....you can wait for the Outlaw 997 or you can give the UMC-1 a try and if it doesn't work, I'm sure EBAY will be your friend.

I thought about that unit but came to the conclusion that just for me, I want or definitely prefer stateside support, whenever possible. Physical repairs, configuration suport, etc. True too, I prefer to gbuy stateside products first and/or whenever possible. I'd extend that criteria to all of North America made products.

Only budgetary constraints force me to look offshore, and in that regard Japanese electronics have a long and proven track record of good performance and on shore repair facilities.

Given the price tag too, a preowned unit in the same category as the Motiva isn't much higher priced. Ala Onkyo, INtegra, etc.