What's the frequency Kenneth?


I need some help, if possible. After moving and months of looking for a place to live and waiting for a stand to set my gear up, I finally got my system put back together. Thor electronics, Accuphase CD player and Tannoy speakers. Boy did it sound sweet! While I was checking the bias on my amps, with no music playing, I heard something faint and low coming from the speakers. After putting my ear close, I could tell it was a radio station. WHAT???!!! So low, it was almost undiscernable, but still there. Not obvious at all during music playing, but still there. Now, if I wasn't an obsessive, compulsive neurotic ( Wait - What was that noise?) about my gear, this would not bother me. But it does. I'd like to fix it, if possible, but have no idea where to start. Any suggestions? Thanks for your help.


Showing 2 responses by dfrigovt


I didn't even think of this until you mentioned it, but there is a country radio ststion up the road about a quarter of a mile away. That could very well be the root of the problem. I will look into the Canare cables. Thanks for the heads up.
