Jlambrick, do you have any reviews yet?
If not, you could send out a few to Marco (Jax2) he will have fun with all that inner detail. |
Here is the Google translation after running it through an English based spell check program. Still. Its a bit difficult to read due to the sentence structure differences between Italian and English. Read and decide for yourself, perhaps even use a different translator program. My take is this is more of a product announcement and comparison to the Tice clock, with the reviewer concluding that he is not certain if he heard anything or not, but perhaps worth additional testing. The appearance not deceits, is that one of a simple alarm clock from bedside table, in specific an endowed TIMEX of the system of nocturnal lighting system Indiglio. But any could be one other alarm clock, on a situated one dedicated to the hi fi Israeli has found the photo of "a derived" model from an other clock; on situated of the constructor the photo extension an other model still, all with brand red over display to crystals the liquids.
I said, the appearance deceits we do not find ourselves of forehead to a clock, in fact such function is precludes "not being able" to carry out the reset of the indicated hour, but to a add-on audio, probably strangest that is capitato to me between the hands after the Magic Chip tried in the slid number of the Review. For the importer is the same one, Harmonic Estro that sells it to 180 EURO. We agree, nothing new under the sun:
In the 1990's there was in the USA, saga of the Tice products and the similar that more or less carried out the same function:
In the May of the 1990 Sam Tellig it wrote on Stereophile:
"Lars has received recently an object that has the appearance and works like one wide awake digital them from $25 but that the sound is said thin better than a system hi-fi. E' the ElectroTec Ep-c, produced from one called company Coherence Industries. It is ignited and the conductivity of your homely electrical system is supposed better, having a smoothing effect on the movement of electrons so that little anarchy in the flow of the current would be little chaos. "Well, you will not believe to us but my system has not never played better "
In March 1991, appears on the review one for information letter of a sent reader to Stereophile:
"Here is a copy the letter who I have written to George Tice:
Beloved Mr. Tice, After to have tried its TPT clock in my system, rispedito it behind for being reimbursed. I have made this since the improvement of the performances has not corresponded to the investment in dollars made for the purchase. I have obtained turns out to you better carrying out simple and less expensive participations than tweaking, I would be lieto of having its opinion to riguardo."la the review correctly proposes the point of view of the constructor"
In relation to its question on which technology the Clock offers, I answer that the TPT is a system of treatment of the materials that, where integrated in other systems, like its electrical system, eliminates the caused electronic noise from the accidental movement and chaotic of electrons within a conductor electrical worker. With regard to its comment on eventual extra circuits, no circuit has been added to the Clock. It is simply a carrier of technology TPT. E' difficult to understand for some: the Clock has been dealt with process TPT. E' a concept similar to the cryogenic treatment: objects that have endured a made treatment of such do not appear after visually modified or alter to you, but the treatment has modified them to molecular level. The same one happens for process TPT."
In the same number of March 1991 an participation of Thomas J. appears. Norton:
"Process TPT comes said applicable to a wide slice of products, in the present case it has been applied to a common radio alarm of the Shack Radio, become therefore carrier of the treatment that technology TPT induces in the electrons"
In the moment in which we have listened to my system, with the Clock Tice connected to the power line, we have heard of the differences, in particular an improvement of the presence of a mid bass more the perhaps leggermente defined sound and. I considered such subjective small differences however.
When I have asked my friend if such differences had perceived to them also in its system in which he had inserted a digital clock not dealt him from Tice, he has answered yes, than the changes they were similar.
To be honest, I feel in embarrassment in saying that I have felt of the differences. The only logical explanation that I can myself be given is that these clocks act on the systems generating one risen of magnetic interference.
The explanations offered from the constructor do not convince to me, in the sense that I do not find some recognized scientific base to us behind."
On this topic, John Atkinson also takes part:
"Having read the documentation of Tice, I task that the official explanations on what happens is of the all mistaken ones. To me it seems that if the Clock induces an audible effect, the reasons would have to be two:
(A) the Clock it has an effect on the system (B) the Clock has an effect on the listener."
In February of the 1993, Jack English returns on the argument.
"When I have carried out for before turns a A-B series test with and without the inserted Clock, I have not heard any difference. In any case I have left the Clock attacked for along period of time. Obviously I became accustomed myself to the effects of the Clock, but I remained not aware of they, me rendered some single account after that the Clock was removed. Once removed the Clock a lightest sourness is returned in the sound of my system, replacing in function the Clock dealt with the process TPT, such sourness is newly passing"
Then the comment of the producer George Tice:
"You I write this light one in order to correct and to clear the greater part of the rumors around the TPT Clock. Ill-fated, many audiophile accept affirmations and disinformation as made without questions. In order to understand the TPT Clock it is necessary to distinguish two separate entities: one is called technology TPT (Tice Pulse Technology) and the second one is the means of storing that is the Clock. The relationship between these two entity is the same one that elapses between a magnetic tape and music: the Clock without installed technology TPT is not null' other that a likeable clock to led.
The technology TPT is a lot poured them, I could have installed it in other containers, the clock was chosen for reasons of low cost. It blots some dealt with TPT are extremely expensive to construct. We wish that technology TPT is something buyable one from anyone. Honestly and perhaps stupidly we believe that our products would have to be appreciate you for their sonorous performances rather than for their aesthetic one, species if it considers itself that the TPT Clock costs $350.00 We have learned from our net of sale that the acceptance on the part of the audiophile would have been higher if we had installed technology TPT in a wood container or aluminum and we had sold it to a double price."
The Tice has for a long time stopped its productions. Today they return, here the explanation that the producer Machina Dynamica offers of its product:
"The Clever Little Clock is the new product of the Machina Dynamica, an only one and exceptionally powerful audio accessory, based on the concepts and the products originally develops to you from the PWB Electronics, UK PWB is for Peter W. Belt, to said of our Director a cunning fellow vendor of vaporware.
The Clever Little Clock is one small alarm clock and battery, that it has been modified using technical highly specialized. The Little Clock is not connected to the wall and it does not have an influence directed on marks them audio, neither on the house electrical works, neither on the members the chain of I listen neither on the sonorous waves.
The Clever Little Clock can be placed ovunque in the room of listens, in the which case the sound of the system will become remarkably more musical and alive, with a true impact it moves them and an improvement in all the parameters of I listen. Added the more Clock will give an ulterior benefit.
The Clever Little Clock does not go resettato neither modified. The constructor reserves the right to use various versions of clocks as base for the modification but all works to the same way. The battery of reciprocation cannot be "common" but that one, special, supplied in equipment with every Clock."
All clearest it seems to me..... Following exactly the instructions you supply me from the importer, that is putting the box it of the clock in terrazzo, and listening for po' a my system, in order then to extinguish the CDP, to open the window and to place Clever Little Clock within the atmosphere of I listen and repeating more times the operation in inverse sense, with the attitude that I have for a long time chosen of having in the comparisons of the gadgets that arrive to me in test that is maximum skepticism joined to the maximum curiosity in the comparisons of turns out to you sonic obtainable, I have begun "to ripassare" the list of my preferred CD in order to verify if the insertion of the taroccato TIMEX "hi-end" had or less of the effects on the reproduced sound.
The first observation regards the positioning of the object in the atmosphere, although the producer does not give particular indications in merit has noticed a meaningful difference placing the Timex close to diffusers (Quad) and ends (OTL) regarding the solution that previewed its positioning near petty officer first class (CDP-DAC Lector) and preamplifier, also being the mansarda in which the system it is positioned of the not greatest dimensions,
The surveys that follow are therefore to refer to the solution that has shown "appreciate" more the object of the Machina Dynamica. The action of the modified Timex seems mainly concentrates in one greater pulizia and one greater putting to fire of the sound and the reproduction of voices and instruments. The soundstage it appears increased in all the aces with an increased depth of field to all advantage of the realism of the reproduction of the event. The "concretezza" of the musical message appears in its improved entirety, without that there are modifications on the plan of the timbrica, in "like if" in which ambienza and coherence of the sonorous plans acquisissero one before smaller perceptible pregnanza.
In the world of the add-ons to use hi-fi two types of products exist fundamentally: those "positively" and those "embezzled" that is objects to you the whose effect is, eventually, perceptible one in the moment in which they come "inserted" in one determined audio chain or objects whose effect is picked when they come "removed."
The Timex of the Machina Dynamica belongs to the second category and I cannot in all honesty assert that, for how much strange it may seem, through note repeated tests of insertion and removal, an effect on the sound in the terms that I have described over that they are thin and not spectacular but I repeat perceptible.
For other the old psicoanalista Zapparoli comes me in mind that once it said that we could not be sure that, making to be for various years, for 5 times to the week, 45 minutes, a patient under a lamppost rather than on letting of one psicoanalista one some modification in positive of its psicopatologia could not be found and therefore I conclude asserting that they are not sure that "I have felt" she cannot be suggestion but at the same time, I have felt induces me to advise a test in the just ambient one and then to estimate of the capacity.
Draft of vaporware? Not creed, even if I can comprise the skepticism of who reads to me. Are worth therefore 180 Euro this "stranezza of all the mysterious one like below technology" made in USA via UK? It is worth them on condition, of being able to acquire it to scato it sluice, with the formula satisfied or does not reimburse to you as he regulated iron for an eventual test on the field in house of who reads to me. |
Laetrile is made from apricots, spread it on your toast in the morning and cure what ails you. Right Pabelson?
By the way, have you heard of that new (old fashioned) weight reduction pill that contains tapeworm eggs?
Take a couple and in a few months all that excess food is being consumed by a critter that has nothing to do but lay about your insides all day. |
Qdrone, please don't take this wrong, I had the Tice clock and the Radio Shack version (same basic clock that was used by Tice).
There was some tiny benefit (FROM BOTH, and varied by system), but not due in my opinion to what George Tice did to his version.
The positive results occurred from loading the AC line and scrubbing off a little noise. Both of these little clocks did that to some degree, although not through special treatment but by accident of their design.
Much easier to buy a handful of Audio Prism QuietLines that plug into any spare electrical socket. If you look inside QuietLines, there is no pixie dust or special parts, just capacitors and resistors that load your AC and knock out noise from your system. These work better than the Tice or RS clock.
Although these are no longer made, you could possibly score some here at Audiogon or build your own.
The do it yourself version is posted on the web somewhere, I would have to search and find it. A good friend told me the DIY version is more effective than Quiet Lines but I have not had the time to build and test for myself. |
Any truth to the rumor that there will be a "Jock" strap model of that device?
No word on how much growth may be experienced, but as a caution I'm selling all my stock in the company that manufactures Viagra. |