What's the deal with idler turntables and do they have a place in modern HiFi?

After going through a complete overhaul of an AR XA I've been tempted to take a step further back in history and restore an old Rek-O-Kut idler turntable. Can't remember the particular model number from Craigslist, but it seems like it may be an interesting project and far more customizable than the XA, especially when it come to the tonearm. The one I'm looking at comes with the original tonearm, but my guess is that it's even more garbage than the stock XA 'arm and I'd certainly replace it!

However, I don't generally become invested in something if it doesn't pay off. So if the sound is going to be dreadful because it's an idler, then I'll steer clear. But if the sound is bitchin' then I'll jump on the opportunity!

Showing 2 responses by almarg

The "problem" with this hobby is that there are frequent instances where we have phenomenon A associated with physical fact B, and the natural human response to such coincidences is to ascribe A to B. But we almost never have good scientific experiments to prove or debunk such associations. Thus we are all floating in a sea of subjective judgements, and there is an industry based on tweaks that thrives upon our ignorance.
Very well said, Lew, IMO. I would add that in audio there are countless variables that can be cited for which it is not readily possible to define a quantitative threshold separating what may potentially be audible in some systems from what is unquestionably insignificant. In the absence of that kind of quantitative perspective there is essentially no limit to what a perceived or claimed sonic effect can be attributed to.

Best regards,
-- Al
ct0517, I didn’t notice the question you posted yesterday about the laptop until I looked for it just now. All I can suggest is that when it becomes practicable for you to do so you create a bootable cd or a bootable flash drive containing the free version of MemTest86, and use it to test the laptop’s memory by booting the laptop to that cd or flash drive (changing the boot order in the BIOS if necessary, to put the priority of that medium ahead of the hard drive).

Apologies to the OP for the digression. Regards,
-- Al