What's the Best Speakers use with the CAT JL2/SL1?

System : Amps/Preamp: Convergent Audio Technologie JL2/SL1 ultimate, Turntable/Arm: Simon Yorke S7 with Graham 2.2, Cartridge: Benz Micro Ruby 2/Lyra Helikon, Phono cables: Graham IC-70/Cardas Golden reference, Interconnects/Speakers cables: Cardas Golden reference,
CD Player: Audio Aero Capitole, Tuner: Sequerra FM Reference.
What is the best Speakers to use with this system equipment?
My room size: 18ft x 13ft x 8.5ft.

I agree with the other members, excellent system! I really would take a serious look at Vandersteen Model 5 speakers. I have a pair and have found them to be the best speakers I have heard under 20K.(they sale for around 11K new with standard finish and crossovers)Good luck.
Quintessense Audio in San Diego makes a speaker called the "Summit". Being a CAT owner and a friend of Ken Stevens, who has shown his amps with Quintessense before... well, I think that would be your best speaker choice.
Vandersteen 5 speakers or JM Lab Mezzo Utopias. Both of these speakers are incredible