What's the best CD and/or multiplayer today

Just got notice that my long awaited Spectral 4000 will soon be available - at $15,000! CD only. Any suggestions for alternatives at or below that price range?

Showing 8 responses by guidocorona

BartokFan, if you are a real fan of old Bela, you should try the 1st piano concerto performed by Andras Schiff on the X-01. 'Tis simply awesome!
Also, upcoming APL redesigned Teac Esoteric UX-1, to be called NWO-1. All formats, will drive amps directly.
Teac Esoteric X-01, for redbook and SACD: I have heard this particular player a few times and loved it more and more each time.
Teac Esoteric P70/D70 combo, redbook only: possibly slightly better at redbook than X-01. New model in Japan only is called P70VU/D70VU, said to be improved redbook only.

Ultimately, the best player is the one you will buy after falling hopelessly in love with it! It may literally be a matter of 'Love At First Bbyte!'
Good point Lazarus28. APL NWO-1 is still only a promisary note.
There are only initial specs available at this time.
It looks very intriguing on paper, but no one I know has heard one yet.
We can only guess that -- given its design premises and underlying pedegree, it may eventually be an exceedingly interesting device Please note my usage of the word 'interesting', as in 'worthy of careful analisys'. Whether it will in the ears of some, or many, fall short of, or, equal, or possibly exceed the desirability of any contenders discussed in this thread, is an exercise entirely to be left to the eventual judgment of future digital addicts.
JES45, the mere mention of P70/D70 causes me to lose motor control. . . I heard them unmodified and they were wonderful. Please tell us what TRL did to the combo and how they differ sonically from the originals.
Jack, if TRL can improve the mighty P70/D70 for $550, my hat's off to them. I auditioned an original unmodified pair last November in Toronto with an exceedingly hard-nosed vinyl-man friend of mine, and he told me that was the very first time he was not pining for his black LPs.
And you are perfectly right: who cares about the color of a cat, provided it kills 'em mice. . . on the other hand. . . I am positive calicos do 'em in much more better! Saluti, Guido
Onn a more sober note, it is worth remembering that Teac America appears to warrant only untampered players purchased first hand from a qualified Esoteric dealer. I fear that any modification, from any source may very well void the manufacturer's warranty. No prob for a 2nd hand P70/D70 which would be already out of warranty by definition. . . but modifying a new one? Auch!
That's the one: Mikrokosmos, in 7 volumes, published by Boosey & Hawkes! Old Bela wrote another excellent two-volume collection for young students, simply called. . . For Children. Really wild stuff! But going back to the Schiff recording of the 3 piano concertos, I have not heard any players that can render the earthy nature of the first concerto and the delicacy of the 3rd with the same solid realism of the X-01.
Paolo, the Bartok concertos are on a Teldec CD (0630-16158-2). I have not compared X-01 and P70/D70 directly, but have heard them on different systems. I suspect Redbook performance differences may be minute. I have purchased an X-01 about one month ago and I am 'in un brodo di giuggiole!' My findings are on several threads here on Audiogon. By the way, I have sent you a PM. Saluti, Guido