What's the best and/or favorite piece of equipment you've owned? And do you still own it?

My favorite piece(s)  are  (and I still own them) the Martin Logan Ethos lousdpeakers and Soudsmith Paua cartridge.  As far as speakers go, electrostats are my favorite and will replace them with another set of electrostats.  I'm currently eyeing MUR Audio SP1's.  These two pieces make my rig sound great.  
My Mark Levinson 380s Preamp.  It's out for refurbishment now and I hope to get another 20 years of beautiful music when it is done.  Tried others in the past but none could match the neutrality.

Logitech Transporter with Modwright mods. Still the best digital sound I've ever heard. Unfortunately I no longer have it as I got nervous when Logitech discontinued it. I am very happy with my current digital setup but it does not sound as good as the Modwright Transporter.
Eggleston Andra Loudspeakers S/N 009 & 010.  Came out of Stereo Exchange, NYC.  Funny though, the name plate on the back of the speakers refers to them as Eggleston "Andrus" Loudspeakers. Yes, I will always own them.  Hell, I'm to old to lift 'em!
My Pioneer PD S95 Stable Platter Transport. I've had it for probably 15 years and have had no problems with it, although have had it serviced just to make sure all is well 2 years ago. It was beautifully designed and built, and has really been a pleasure to use.   
My pair of BEL 1001 power amps. As close to electronic perfection as I think possible. Whatever you put upstream you can hear exactly what it sounds like. Whatever you place downstream you know exactly what they sound like. As to the amps themselves? Neutral, transparent, nuanced, effortless, refined. I’ve owned BELs since the early 1990’s. I’ve never looked back, never thought there was better out there.