What's the best and/or favorite piece of equipment you've owned? And do you still own it?

My favorite piece(s)  are  (and I still own them) the Martin Logan Ethos lousdpeakers and Soudsmith Paua cartridge.  As far as speakers go, electrostats are my favorite and will replace them with another set of electrostats.  I'm currently eyeing MUR Audio SP1's.  These two pieces make my rig sound great.  

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My favorite is my current two way system. A Klipsch K-402 horn with an 1132 driver on top of a self built bass bin derived from the Klipsch MCM 1900 MWM bass bin but built with a 108" throat. A single fold horn and it goes down to 27hz before it starts dropping off. Amazing headroom, presence and fidelity. It’s fun to watch the expressions on the faces of those who stop in to hear them for the first time.  The other important part is the Xilica XP3060 and it is key to making the horns sound right which it does so well.