What’s the benefit of placing speakers like this? (diagonally at the corner)


I am curious about the speaker placement.
(I try to upload a picture.... not working well...)

Here’s the link to Positive-feedback website containing the photo of speakers.


Let’s say this is the corner of the square shape room.

| [amp]
| (Empty) (Empty) [Sp2]
| [Sp 1]

(Facing toward the other side of corner)

Amp is placed at the corner of the room. (Diagonally)

Then Speaker 1 (Sp1) and Speaker 2 (Sp2) are placed diagonally too.

Amp and speakers face toward the other corner of the room.

I think this this is V.Rossi’s Audio show room picture from 2019 with QLN prestige 3 speakers.

What is the benefit of this kind of placement?

Showing 1 response by tjkurita


In my space, the diagonal allows for good symmetry when it comes to space from walls and listening chair distance. This allows for good soundstage balance (a very important factor for me). And the space that would be needed to set the room up asymmetrically in the room (far enough away from the side walls with a large open space on the other side) would be significantly more than a corner set up. 

I haven’t had my system set up in a rectangular room in years and I can’t remember the difference.  But here seems to be minimal smearing from side walls in my set up. I found that there was a much larger amount of interference from the speakers sitting too close together rather than too close to the side or front walls. 

So I suppose my sense of the benefit would be physical symmetry and use of space.