What's supporting your speakers?

I've had a lot of luck with Rollerballs or variants thereof under my electronics, including, surprisingly enough, a Power Plant. Seems like, in my system, the speakers just disappear a little bit more everytime I hit on a really successful tweak. i have ETC spikes under my Martin Logans right now, but was wondering if anyone has found a really great speaker footer.

Showing 1 response by theaudiotweak

Tvad first off I am a Sistrum dealer..I used Sistrum Sp1's under my Dunlavy Sc4's and then later stepped up to the Sp101's.. reason so I could horizontally align the drivers left to right..Have used the smaller platforms as well..under smaller Thiels, Merlin, Paradigm, Dahlquist, all makes of subs.The coolest thing and a huge improvement was Sp101's under Klipsch corner horns ..radical difference..Tom